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Where can I pay for a service for someone to do my family tree?

I have a little on my maternal side but need a professional to do my maternal line, where can I find someone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I guess the question to ask before suggesting an answer is why do you have a problem with your maternal line?

What kinds of roadblocks did you come up against?
What country/countries do you need to research?
What country do you live in today? (Many of us forget that people on this board are reading it from all over the world. If you're in Australia and I'm in Michigan/US, you need someone in Australia to help you.)
When did the immigration occur? Year range is good, countries involved are important, too.
Do you think your ancestors left one homeland and spent some time in a 2nd country before finally settling wherever they settled?

I'm not trying to encourage or discourage you at this point. But genealogists tend to focus on certain regions and certain time frames. There are some who are phenomenal French-Canadian researchers, but the minute you say the word "Poland", they get a blank stare on their faces. Conversely, some of us know several regions, but we know them by working backwards from the US to Europe. If you're in Australia, we wouldn't be so well-versed on the resources needed and would spend a lot of your money brushing up on those skills.

I'm a professional genealogist. If you want help just on this board, not a problem. If you want a referral, then I'd be glad to help you find someone. Just know that we're not inexpensive. You're usually looking at $500-2000 retainers and $50-100/hour with a 10-20 hour minimum. It's expensive and most people only hire us when they really can't get over the hurdles themselves. If you just want a mentor on this board...the service is free and graciously offered.