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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where ( what website can i go to) to make a family crest?


Where ( what website can i go to) to make a family crest?

I need to make a crest. I need a helm, mantle, shield, and everything else! Please Help QUICK! Thanks in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Family crests are not family. Thus, the suggestion that you can find your "true" family crest is completely wrong.
Coats of Arms were awarded to individuals, not families, and like any other legitimate "property", passed down to the person's heir. In countries with primogeniture, what that means is the eldest son... not like the US system, where all children are equal heirs.
So, the policies about family crests are often misunderstood, especially here in the US. Finding one that matches your surname online, does not legitimately belong to you. You certainly won't hear this from the many companies who sell them to people.
If you want to create something for yourself, I don't know why you can't use an ordinary drawing program. I often google something, using the images option. If you do that, you should respect that many online images are the work of someone, and they can hold valid copyrights. You also CAN find images in what is called public domain... free for anyone to use.
Just be certain that you treat your artwork for exactly what it is.. your own graphic representation, that does not have standing as a legitimate coat of arms/ family crest.