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Position:Home>Genealogy> I have the name of a Doctor I want to get in touch with, but don't know where to


I have the name of a Doctor I want to get in touch with, but don't know where to start. Help!?

I'm tracing my family tree and have the name of a family member who graduated in 1965 from Newacastle-upon-Tyne Medical School. Can anyone suggest how I can go about finding out contact details etc as I've tried the www this am and it's a minefield. Also don't want to have to pay to register on loads of differnet sites.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The medical school may be able to help. If you contact them, they may be able to pass on a message, or the General Medical Council.

Please note that not every doctor is registered with the BMA, but if you are to work in the UK as a doctor, you have to be registered with the GMC.

The Univeristy may be more helpful in forwarding things than the GMC, so try the university first.

And good luck!