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Person in ARKANSAS?????????

I am looking for a person that I believe is my father. I have spent countless dollars trying to find out who my family is. All I can find is that he may live in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and is 46 years old. His birthday is in May 1960 and his name is (i believe) Bobby Dale Barber. It has taken me 21 years to be able to drag any kind of information out of my mother, and I just found out from other family members that she never even told him she was pregnant. I have searched and searched all over the internet and cannot come up with anything new. I do not want anything from him or his family except for to know who they are and if there is any medical history problems that I need to know about. My mother (not one of my favorite people in the world) is someone he dated back in late 1984 early 1985. I was born Oct 25, 1985. If anyone could give me any helpful information, you have no idea how much it would be appreciated. Please dont give any websites that cost a huge amount... ive tried them.

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2 months ago
I just want to make it clear that the only thing I want is to finally find out who my father is. Thats it. I have gone 21 years wondering and I just want to know. If someone wants to contact me without posting on here please write at ssmariani @ (no spaces) thank you for your time

my mothers name is Gayle E Watkins (45 years old)
My maiden name is obviously Watkins and my married name is Stevie Mariani I am a 21 year old female

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
I just want to make it clear that the only thing I want is to finally find out who my father is. Thats it. I have gone 21 years wondering and I just want to know. If someone wants to contact me without posting on here please write at ssmariani @ (no spaces) thank you for your time

my mothers name is Gayle E Watkins (45 years old)
My maiden name is obviously Watkins and my married name is Stevie Mariani I am a 21 year old female