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Position:Home>Genealogy> I need information on ancestors of WILLIAM PARKER, born 1803 in South carolin


I need information on ancestors of WILLIAM PARKER, born 1803 in South carolina, JOSEPH HASTINGS ,1866 of GA

WILLIAM PARKER MARRIED ELIZABETH HOBBS AND MOVED TO ALABAMA, she was born in northeastern North Carolina JOSEPH HASTINGS father was named John born supposedly in GA. and his mothers name was SALLY BENTON ? the Hastings lived in escambia county Florida in 1900.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is perhaps part of the answer but you should understand that it is the reverse process and full of uncertainty. Normally you would work from today and work your way back to be certain, each step, that you had the right family. However here is what I have for you:

1860 US Census: Baldwin, Alabama

William Parker 55 S. Carolina
Elizabeth 52 Georgia
Francis J 19 Alabama
Caroline M 16 "
John 14 "
Robert J 11 "

now hopefully you will be able to recognize if this is the correct family and if it is those four kids (at least) will be the ancestors of all descendents. Working from here into the future is quite difficult as you can't be quite certain if you look in say the 1900 US Census under Robert J Parker (looking for a 51 year old born in Alabama) and if you find 2 or 3 of him it will be difficult to distinguish which is correct.

So if you have info on your parents or grandparents that could help to start the search from this end of the time scale you could post another question.