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How would I trace my lineage/ genealogy?

Most Filipinos have Hispanicized last names because of the Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos that the Spanish mandated. I want to do some sort of family tree to possibly trace my lineage, how would I do that? Or is that impossible? Note: I want to trace two last names of mine. One last name being something that isn't Spanish and could possibly be native (but I'm not sure of its orgin, it's an uncommon last name) and the other being a fairly common Spanish last name.

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2 months ago
With all your answers in mind, does anyone know where I might get a hold of the Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos or if that's even possible to find in libraries and such. Thank you all for your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
With all your answers in mind, does anyone know where I might get a hold of the Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos or if that's even possible to find in libraries and such. Thank you all for your help.