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Position:Home>Genealogy> How is the nordic race or the nordic skull related to the holocaust?


How is the nordic race or the nordic skull related to the holocaust?

I have been reading the book in the mouth of the wolf and been given a project. the topic is nordic skull. how can it be related to the holocaust? people who were suspected of jewish were given a racial examination. is it related to it? can anyone give me resources of where to find them. i will be very glad of it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Nordic people tend to have long skulls for some reason - it is further from the forehead to the back of the skull, and slightly narrower than other races. Hitler and his goons valued this skull shape as being the Aryan ideal.

Racial exams would look at skin color, nose shape, skull shape and other physical characteristics.

There are physical differences between races and sexes, which is why medical detectives can guess at sex, race and age when they find a skeleton.

When you start assigning moral, intellectual or spiritual values to races or groups, you start getting into trouble. Negroes have dark skin, Nordic peoples light skin, for instance. Both races have their share of heroes and cowards, geniuses and dullards, good people and bad.