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Position:Home>Genealogy> Becker??? everyone says that's a really common name, but i don't think so..?


Becker??? everyone says that's a really common name, but i don't think so..?

the only other person, other than my close family, with the last name Becker that i have ever met was a half Japanese yeah anyone out there i may be related to??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The social security death index is another place to run a quick check.. and that only goes back to persons who have died, since the early 1960s. It shows over 32,000 Beckers. I'd really adjust my thinking on how common it is.
Us hard core researchers here, of course, would love to entice you into really researching your family. Consider working back to your gr gr gr grandparents, and how many descendents they could have. Remember... you are also related to females who are your relatives, but have married and have new names.
And I won't even try to scare you off by explaining that you have many relatives with other names besides Becker. Just going back to your grandparents, 3 of the 4 persons have a different name.
Psst.. it REALLY is fun!!