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What is the best site to research Michigan genealogy?

for Kingston tuscloa co?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My family lived in the Akron-Fairgrove area and I have done a great deal of research out in the Thumb. Your best resource is to drive to Caro and go through the records there yourself. Both the local newspaper (such as it is) and the Clerk's office are easy to work with, and I believe the probate records are there, too.

The MIGenWeb page for Tuscola isn't great, but there are some great researchers on there who would be happy to help you. Carol Szelogowski just took over moderating the site and she's an excellent genealogist. So hopefully the site won't suffer from the apathy of the previous moderator:

The other places to go for records are the Hoyt Library in Saginaw, Library of Michigan and Michigan Archives in Lansing, and the Burton Collection at the Detroit Public Library.

If you ever need help finding something, I love dealing with folks out there and would be glad to help. If you're really lucky, your family was there for years and the Tuscola Co Advertiser has the old stories on them in their files (they do archive by name, or at least used to) and the Tuscola Co Registrar of Deeds can help you with the plat maps and property history. Also, though the Caro Public Library and Cass City Library are small, they do have good collections of local history. You might also find Lapeer and Sanilac County newspapers have a lot of Kingston news. If you're not close, you can access all newspapers ever published in the state through the Michigan Newspaper Project at the Library of Michigan.,1607,7-160...

Also, there is a History professor named Jeff Kigar from SVSU who is a font of information on the pioneer and logging days of the Saginaw Valley. In a pinch you can contact him for direction on where to turn next.

I'm hopeful you are also familiar with Jack and Marianne Dibean's massive project to document all marriages in the state. It's a huge undertaking but they're nearly done. The MIGenWeb link above will take you into the database.