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Heroine of Bannock Barn 12th century?

One of my ancestors is noted on my family tree as Heroine of Bannock Barn Helen. She was married to Hugh Dunning, who was born 1270 and died 1346. They married in 1293. Their son, Hugh Dunning, was Captain of the Scotts. I'm looking for any information on what this Heroine status could mean.

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2 months ago
This is all the information I have, so I can't say what it's about. As for the family tree, this was researched by a Major in the army (in the family) in the 1950s, and has been confirmed by many other distant (and I mean DISTANT ) relatives.

2 months ago
oops, I mean he researched the family in the 20s and 30s, he was an army doctor, and we have letters between him and his family talking about his research.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
This is all the information I have, so I can't say what it's about. As for the family tree, this was researched by a Major in the army (in the family) in the 1950s, and has been confirmed by many other distant (and I mean DISTANT ) relatives.