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Position:Home>Genealogy> Hammontree, Jonathon, about 1700?


Hammontree, Jonathon, about 1700?

We have traced this family back to 1700, in the U.S. From that point back, nothing.....on any of the genogolgy sites...We beleive that the family came from England...But no records can be found....Anyone have any info..It would be greatly appreciated. We beleive that there were 3 or 4 brothers that all came over at the same time...

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2 months ago
From what we have found, there are 2 seperate families that came from england. Both had a Jonathon, about the same age. The one you found, from what we can determine, is the other family. I appreciate the quick input though..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
From what we have found, there are 2 seperate families that came from england. Both had a Jonathon, about the same age. The one you found, from what we can determine, is the other family. I appreciate the quick input though..