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Position:Home>Genealogy> I have been looking for help with genealogy; however...?


I have been looking for help with genealogy; however...?

There seems to be so much attitude on this board. Some people give such nice thoughtful answers, then there are those who answer with such cockiness. Then, there are those that think they have to police how long peoples answers are. There are also those that worry whether or not replies are coming from 'certified' genealogists! The whole idea of this forum is people helping people. If I post a question asking for help, am I going to get ridculed too?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ask away, Ace... We would be happy to help if we can. If you hang around, you will see that there really are some VERY nice, knowledgeable people here. I do understand your question though... don't let one or two bad apples spoil the bushel!!! Welcome to answers!!