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Are there any websites that I can search my family history for free?

I would just like to know what my family's coat of arms looks like, and I would like to know where my family name comes from, Are there any websites where I can do this and mabye more for free?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Everyone looks for free genealogy information on the internet. The sad reality is that the best info will cost you some money. Sites like and are great sources for people with a general interest in genealogy. In other words, they are great for someone who is looking for general information like names and dates. If you want something a bit more detailed, you should expect to pay a little here and there.

If you are fortunate enough to visit at certain times during the year, they occasionally offer free unrestricted access for a couple of days in order to attract new members. If you're a real genealogy fiend like I am, you won't have any reservations about visiting the countries of your ancestors and going directly to the source.

At any rate, I hope this answers your question in one way or another. Good luck with your genealogy research.