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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm adopted from another country. How do I find my birth mother?


I'm adopted from another country. How do I find my birth mother?

I was adopted at only a few months old. To complicate the search, I was adopted in Korea, and I have no idea if my Korean birth name is at all related to my biological family, or was something just made up for the adoption papers. I don't know my mother or father's name. Does anyone know how I could go about discovering my biological roots? Most of the adoption search/reunion resources I've found only pertain to domestic (U.S.) adoptions. Help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here is a page that might have some information for you.

Please remember though that there is a chance that even afte years and years of searching, you still might not be able to find them, particularly if you were abandoned. In Korea, it is against the law to abandon your child, so it is unlikely that one would write a note telling about the abandoned babies parents and medical history. If you lost your parents through an accident or if you were removed from their custody due to neglect or other problems, then that would likely be in your full adoption file.

I have two adopted siblings from Asia, so I can tell you that you may need to get a translator to translate some of the things in your full adoption file. Good luck and I hope that the link offers some sound advice as you embark on this personal journey. Hugs to you and I hope that you find what you are looking for.