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LT Thomas Osborn (e)?

This man's family tree is well documented in the US but nobody has figured out where he came from. No one is sure how old he was when he came to the US on the Bona Nova in 1618. There is no record of a wife but we know he had at least two sons Rumor is he was from Kent. Does anybody have a resource to check military records that far back in England?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Cece,

Thank you for educating me on the Bona Nova. I was just reading about Plymouth Plantation from Bradford's notes, and there was mention of the Bona Nova. It made me wonder how many people have survived at that time in the US, that were not in the Mayflower settlement. There were Dutch in the New York area too.

"Osborne, Thomas (Lt.)~See name in Virginia Muster, January 23", have you seen the Virginia Muster? First web site references that. Second site is the muster.

Scotland has the OPR (old parish register), and England must have all the old church records too.

Good luck, and thanks again for the direction to research some more. I always thought that the Mayflower we it, but there is so much more going on back then. Lots to look at.