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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am the one that posted the question about my son missing. let me explain the s


I am the one that posted the question about my son missing. let me explain the situation?

his father got custody over him telling the courts that i did not have a job house or car, which are all lies. i took rent reciepts,car reciepts, check stubs to court. there was never an investigation onto his allegations. when he got custody, he moved to texas, since then his phone was disconnected and the address is no good. i have court ordered visitation. and i have not been able to contact my ex to see my son since the beg. of the year. his birthday is in a couple weeks. the reason i posted it onhere was because i am desperate. the judge wont get off his lazy *** and do anything. i live in the southern part of alabama i am willing to drive all the way to odessa to see or get him but that is impossible because i dont know where he to all those with a smart answer, find something better to do with your time! thank you to the one from midland that gave me those web addy's.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was a skip tracer for several years. send me an e-mail. Unless he's hiding we may be able to find him. Even if he's hiding and doesn't know how I may still be able to find him.

***********************THIS IS A LIE***************************...
Because I felt sorry for her I offered to locate her child since I used to be a skip tracer. Now if my child was missing and a former skip tracer offered to help me, I would have jumped at the offier. I think she's just trying to find an old boyfriend or something.