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Position:Home>Genealogy> How much trouble is it to find out about a persons family tree?


How much trouble is it to find out about a persons family tree?

interested in how far I could actually trace back

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some parts of the tree will be so easy it's mind-boggling. Some parts of the tree might take you months or years to get through the information gaps. There will be 1-2 who you swear just fell through the atmosphere from a passing space ship.

The big variables are where they lived, when they lived, when they immigrated (and from where) and what kind of records are available for that period of time. Generally, the longer a family stayed in one place, the easier to find records on them. The more they moved around, the more searching you have to do just to get the next clue.

But know this...genealogy is awesome! The more you dig, the more addictive it is.