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Position:Home>Genealogy> My sons records from hospital whe he died. he was 21 febury 13th was born.?


My sons records from hospital whe he died. he was 21 febury 13th was born.?

what did they do with him

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The records will be kept at the hospital for 5-10 years (depends on the state's malpractice statutes). Then they will be sent into storage for 10 years at an off-site location.

If he is dead and was not married, then you have the right to request his medical records. Most hospitals prefer that you request them through a doctor, but it doesn't have to be. You will need to write a letter stating that he died, enclose a copy of his death certificate, and note that you are now his legal representative and next of kin. Request copies of all ER notes, surgical reports, pathology reports, radiology/nuclear medicine reports and the discharge summary.