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Position:Home>Genealogy> Altoona, PA around 1934?


Altoona, PA around 1934?

i would like to know if anyone can help me figure out who my great grandfather is. my great grandmother would not tell who the father is. Great grandmother's name was Pearl Riggleman, gramma born in september 1934. any information would be greatly appreciated!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The two answewrs you have received so far may help if your GGF abandoned your GGM or he treated her so badly she divorced him. If she was married to Mr. Riggleman and had an affair, or was raped, all the census data in the world isn't going to help you. You might want to get a birth certificate. If the father is John Riggleman, fine. He left the scene afterwards, probably. If it says "Unknown", you've got a dead end that will stay that way forever.