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Position:Home>Genealogy> How many generations would it take to eliminate at least 95% of the alleles for


How many generations would it take to eliminate at least 95% of the alleles for the recessive gene?

How many generations would it take to eliminate at least 95% of the alleles for the recessive gene if a tyrant eliminated all those who have the recessive genes from every generation before they could pass on their recessive alleles?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any attempt at engineering probably would backfire. As you try to eliminate some recessive genes, you might be building up another problem.

Would you want to eliminate blue eyes. They are usually recessive.

We genetically engineer cattle to produce better meat but we can't really say that those cattle are smarter than cattle before engineering started.

I do believe, if possible, people should avoid marrying someone who has the same recessive genes that carry certain illnesses. However, the heart has to rule, too.