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Position:Home>Genealogy> Surname...Melvin?



if my surname is melvin-dad side
my mom side is thornton

my whole heritage is 42.3 % black and 57.7% percent european (polish, german, and irish).

Do i have a good chance of having ancestors of the Scottish or Irish heritage?

When I did research, most results proved that Melvin is a scottish name.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I believe you can join 75% of the population of North America in considering yourself a Northern hemisphere mutt.

As for a patrynomic surname belonging to a single nationality, nix the idea. Melvin is not a name that belongs solely to the British Isles. Since patrynomic surnames were adopted throughout Christendom, and Melvin was not unique to one country, the name could legitimately be picked by anyone in Europe to use as a surname. Moreover, as European immigrants "Americanized" their names, a name like Melvin was easy to adopt as the letters dropped off the old name. Take no surname as being indicative of an immigrants nationality until proven otherwise by the paperwork.