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Ohio Death records Free?

I am trying to view an Ohio Death record for Walter Jones death 12-25-1943 in Champaign County Ohio and his wife Geneva Jones. Any help would be great. Also any free sites to view it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Death certificates are the property of the state. They don't put them on the internet for free because a) it costs money to have someone scan them all and for all the server space they'd have to rent, b) it violates privacy laws in several places, and c) it would stop their very lucrative income stream from the sale of official records. If you want to view it for free, you'll have to visit the Champaign Co Clerk's office during public research hours and ask them to show it to you. If you want a physical copy, ask for an uncertified genealogy copy (usually costs between $2-10 depending on county) or else take a camera phone with you (and don't get caught) and take a photo of it.