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Is there a way I can find out my ancestry origins

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yep. Put on the percolator. Phone grandma. Ask when you can come over.

Ask your eldest living relatives about their parents and grandparents, as far back as they recall. Note full names, dates & places of births, marriages & deaths. Now you're ready to start researching whether at the library, cemetery, or local LDS family history center, or online.

At some future point you'll want to know how to get past a brick wall or few in your research. Say you're a Smith and you've tracked your family back for generations, perhaps to 1800 or so or earlier through careful research but at that point you cannot tell which John Smith is yours or who his father may have been. There are yDNA (male surname) research projects going on for a number of years that, if not right away, might make a database match with someone else who has perhaps tracked your John's brother William back to their father Peter. <-- just for example. You could read the FAQs at

This will also show you haplotype and other information on half your line - your father's - but not your mother's. There's a trick to doing that too - get your mother's father or brother (or same surname close cousin or father's brother you uncle) to do the yDNA test.