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Position:Home>Genealogy> Sade sati effect on me nov 10 1956 5.30 am?


Sade sati effect on me nov 10 1956 5.30 am?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time." -- Abraham Lincoln

(For men, from:
If you were born between...
October 23, 1953 to January 12, 1956 or
May 15, 1956 to October 10, 1956 or
November 30, 1982 to May 6, 1983 or
August 25, 1983 to November 17, 1985

Your Saturn is in Scorpio and Your Saturn Return was approximately from...
November 30, 1982 to May 6, 1983 or
August 25, 1983 to November 17, 1985
Or will take place starting from October 2012

November 10, 1956

Sinbad, the comedian was born

Gene de Paul/John Meyer's musical "Li'l Abner," premieres in New York City

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find out if this occured on the day you were born. Interestingly enough, I did learn that Osama Bin Ladin's sade sati (Saturn transitting the 12th to 2nd from natal moon) starts in 2007.

...the phases of Sade sati are not same for everyone. For rare few people the period can turn out to be fatal, for most it is most trying one, while it proves to be highly prosperous time period for few. For an individual, different Dhaiyya give different effects on health, wealth, career, marriage and relations. Saturn is the ruling planet for Capricorn and Aquarius. It is also the yoga karaka (that planet which has the power and energy to bring growth, progress, prosperity, good luck and good fortune) for Taurus and Libra rising signs. When Sade-sati occurs for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius moon signs, the Sade-sati tend to be less negative.

Since, Saturn takes 29 and half years approx. to complete the entire circle of zodiac belt, a Sade sati can occur upto three times in a human`s lifespan. It is said that the third Sade sati takes adverse effects on a person`s health and can even result in his death.