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Position:Home>Genealogy> Emmanuel Anthony CALLISTE: Was he a slave or Estate owner i Grenada around 1838&


Emmanuel Anthony CALLISTE: Was he a slave or Estate owner i Grenada around 1838>?

Emmanuel alias;Papa Battai was married to one Louisa, daughter of a Scotsman with whom he had five daughters in wedlock, he also had about three sons outside of wedlock.It is alleged that he was the owner of an estate in the parish of St Andrew in Grenada, called Post/Port Royal and he may have been buried on an area of the estate called "the fort". It would be interesting to know how he became the owner of an estate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My guess would be through his wife Louisa, the daughter of the Scotsman - or he could have won it in a card game, or his previous owner may have given it to him as a gift when he gave him back his freedom.