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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find a person born in 1877 that was adopted/fostered out in Tennessee?


How can I find a person born in 1877 that was adopted/fostered out in Tennessee?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The answer to "How can I find..." depends on how much you have to work with to start your search.

How much of the following do you have:

Name of child
Name of parents
Place of birth of child
Date of birth of child
Place living in Tennessee when going into someone else's care
Place of birth for each parents
Date of birth for each parent
Names of any other relatives living in the area
Dates of death for anyone involved
Place and date of marriage for the parents.

The more we have to work with in finding not just the parents and child, but also the extended family, the more successful the search.

Most children were only put into other people's care when either the parents died or the parents left. If the parents died, then the odds are high that either a relative or close family friend took in the child. If the parents left, then the question of who took the children depends on how long they lived there and if they had other ties to the community...or any ties at all.