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Position:Home>Genealogy> How much does an experienced, full-time genealogist earn per year?


How much does an experienced, full-time genealogist earn per year?

I am talking about someone who is certified and works 40+ hours per week.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: $50-200/hr, plus travel and expenses. You can extrapolate from there. Personally, I work on projects that excite me and turn down things that can be done in a few days or a couple of weeks. I probably put in 1500 hours/year and travel 3-4 times for business.

BTW, the price range depends on how difficult it is to access records (especially in Eastern Europe) and if I need to subcontract with someone in a foreign country to pull records for me. I might have to pay them $40 to go get the records from an obscure place for me. Then add another $200 for a certified transcription. So there are also expenses to subtract from the gross.