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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the most beautiful word for you?


What is the most beautiful word for you?

What or which is?

If it is so difficult - as it is in fact -, then list three of them.

I won't post mine here... unless you ask me to. It/them can be in any language!



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok so this is going to sound strange but this word sounds so pretty when it is said.


But knowing the meaning it's not so great.

The most powerful four letter word is - LOVE

Or my most favorite of all time

quixⷯtⷩc /kw骫눳??骫/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kwik-sot-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

1. (sometimes initial capital letter) resembling or befitting Don Quixote.
2. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.
3. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.