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What is the Ethnic Origin Of the Surname Bishop?

I have always been Curious of my Ethnic Background (I'm Adopted/NO family history). My family has always thought I was Irish/Italian due to very specific physical traits. I know this is FAR from accurate. I figured just logically speaking, the last name Bishop, must be from the U.K. just haven't had confirmation. If any of you do this for fun, or know off hand where it stems from PLEASE pass your welcomed knowledge on to me...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Alright, here's the answer from the Dictionary of Surnames:

Bishop-English; from Middle English biscop, Old English bisceop, adopted from Greek in early Christian times for someone who oversaw a local community of Christians. The word came to be applied as a surname for various reasons, among them service in the household of a bishop, supposed bearing or appearance of a bishop, and selection as the "boy bishop" on St. Nicholas' Day. In French that name would be Evesque, in Italian Viscovi or Piscotti, in Spanish Obispo, in Czech Biskup, and in Polish Biskupski.

But the name Bishop itself is English, though used by both Scotch and Irish after the English that settled/conquered those places. I believe, but cannot currently confirm, that it is at this moment mainly used by the northern British and the Scotch.