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Related to Tsar - continued?

Thank you for your responses. I now need to trace my great-great grandfather who married the Tsar's illegitimate daughter. Together they had 14 children. It is an actual fact that the relationship exists, it has been passed down through the family since then as a hush-hush thing, the scandal of that time has persisted. I would like to bring it all into the light and many of my cousins who are also related would be very interested to get the genealogy. However, when I try and use a genealogical site I get stuck as I dont know the date of birth of my g-g grandfather, neither his marriage date etc., I only have a name and the county in England where they lived. His name was James Bevan. It would be really great to get to the bottom of this! Thanks for your advice and help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you would, please edit your question to add the following:

Approximate dates of birth, marriage and death...we need to limit our search to one era or another. They don't have to be exact...but put us in the ballpark.

His wife's name and the BMD dates on her

Any known children

Where you believe they may have lived

His occupation, if known (other than ambassador).

The more info we have going into the search, the less chance of confusing him with someone else and the more detailed the search can be. Thanks.


Just pulled the list of Ambassadors, Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary from Britain to Russia from 1762-2004. I'm afraid James Bevan isn't on it. But I did snoop through the peerage files and the Bevan family is heavily involved in international politics, even today. The question is figuring out the truth about your line of the family and untangling the folklore that built up around it.