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Position:Home>Genealogy> Marriage of Antonia Jacobson,Hungarian born1863 to Oscar Jacobson, Russian, born


Marriage of Antonia Jacobson,Hungarian born1863 to Oscar Jacobson, Russian, born 1851 Records where?

They had 4 children, Sammy, Harriet, Rose and Lena. In 1901 the children are recorded as London born. I cannot find a marriage certificate for Antonia and Oscar. I pressume they married in Hungary or Russsia. where do I look for their record of birth and then marriage. There was a name change for Oscar to Samuel and the surname was changed to Jacksonaround 1880. I am thegreat great granddaughter Christine Jackson

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In the 1891 Census, he was still Oscar, a 40 year old tailor from Russia who was living in London.

"Antonira" is how they recorded her name that year. She was 28 and had 2 children. Sami was a 6 y/o son, Heriett a 5 y/o daughter. All 3 were recorded as being born in Russia, but I'm dubious.

I found them under the new name in 1901. I think it's clear that Rose and Lena were born in London. I'm also still dubious that Antonia went to Russia to marry a tailor, then move to London with 2 kids.

Also, the reason that you're confusing Hungary with Germany in your other question is because they're asking the country of birth and native language...Hungarians officially spoke German during the days of the Empire. But that's about the only thing German about them.

They moved from Hackney to Bath in those 10 years. I'm guessing one of those two towns will have the records of the name change.

The other thing I'd do is check the city directories for both. If he was a tailor, I'll bet you'll find him in there. That will give you more control over the dates of the name change and the time of the move.

BTW, I'm very willing to bet he didn't change his name until he left Hackney. A tailor in business for himself wouldn't confuse his patrons by changing his name and making it appear he was hiding something.