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Does any one know what a copper roller polisher did?

in my family history research I have found a relative who was a copper roller polisher for most of the nineeenth century, What was he doing and why?
Both his sons in 1881 were listed as " Machine engraver(SMM)" what does this mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A "Copper-Roller Polisher" would have worked in the textile businesses where etched copper-rollers were used to print patterns onto rolls of cloth. The polisher would have used a polishing lathe to polished copper rollers by removing scratches and etched on patterns. He basically would clean and polish the copper-rollers so that they could be reused.

A Machine engraver would have operated the machine that engraved patterns on the cleaned copper surface. He basically would have made the design that was to be printed onto the material.

Alternatively – they could have worked in the newspaper business doing about the same thing, only printing on paper.