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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any good sites for finding my heritage?


Are there any good sites for finding my heritage?

i don't really care to find actual ancestors, i mainly want to find out where my family(s) came from.

will the fact that my mom and dad never married and are each re-married today create a problem?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there are several sites out there but the only way to really look for what you are wanting is to research. You can use the web as a tool but there is a lot of bad research out there.

No it doesn't matter that your parents never married. Just gives you a little challenge. The first step is to start with yourself and your birth certificate. Then talk with your relatives and gather as much info as you can before you even start with the web.

You may or may not find anything on the web. It depends on if anyone is researching the same lines.

Here's a few sites for you.,,,
Not all of these sites are free. Visit your local LDS center. They have all kinds of stuff to help in your search and can help you get started.