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Looking for lost living relatives Penny Bledsoe, or Bredsoe and kids Chad & Eric Scott from Anderson, Indiana?

Looking for lost living relatives Penny Bledsoe, or Bredsoe and kids Chad & Eric Scott from Anderson, Indiana?
Penny is a 1/2 sister, her kids are Chad and Eric Scott from first marriage last known place was Anderson, Indiana where they lived. (I've also heard that Penny may have died, but I'm not sure)One of the kids (either Chad or Eric was hit by a train in his car and was in Methodist hospital for a while. I've checked phone books and other records and can't find any info. I'm hoping you can help. Please e-mail me if you find anything or just write the info in here. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try the sources below in conjunction with the following:

The County [MADISON] Register of Deeds office may have some information.

The County [MADISON] Court Clerk may have information i.e. license plates issued with home addressed...etc..

The County [MADISON] Sheriff's Office may have information.

The County [MADISON] Health Department may have some information.

The Madison County Funeral Homes may have some information especially if they resided in Anderson for a good length of time.

The utility companies may have information...about the family.

There is a way that the Social Security Office may be contacted in the event of a medical family way of providing them with information and they will notify the individual by way of IRS filing system that you need to get in touch with them. This is usually a last resort.

Happy relative hunting!