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Car plate found from 1941, how do I research to find owner for property historitic purposes?

found an Illinois 1941 plate, would like to find out about our property and the owner of the plate, any web sites or snail mail suggestions on researching the plate?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm sure you had a title search done when you bought real estate to be sure you have a clear title, so you already have that information. If aquired some other way you can go read deed records at the county courthouse (or pay to have the title search updated).

That doesn't answer the orginal question about the plate. Any chance you have of finding ratty old records like that which likely no longer exist but may, would seem likely to be at the state level. With the name from the deed you may have a slim chance of a match but I can about doubledogguarantee there will not be online records or indexes of such records. You'd need to phone an inquiry about where you might look, probably some courthouse storage annex, and go look for yourself. If you really want to document the plate that badly that is ...

One other remote possibility is to go get friendly with the town historical society and go through their historical photo albums through that time period with a magnifying glass looking for that plate on a vehicle, and hoping there are identified persons in the photo.