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What generation?

if my cousin from my generation on my mothers side marries my uncle on my fathers side, what generation are their children in?
There really is no exact generation is there? What are my children if i marry out of my generation?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your first cousins are the same generation as you are, from the common ancestor (which would be your grandparents). Your uncle and father (if brothers) are also the same generation to each other.. since they share parents as the common ancestor.
The generation of the children from this depends on which side they are going... do they share grandparents? or great granparents.
As for you marrying "out of your generation"... that is not relevant at all. I assume you are not marrying a cousin, thus you don't have a common ancestor to measure from. Apples and oranges... generations have to do with blood relatives, not spouses.
However.. that is not always exact either. My daughter and husband DO have an ancestor in common, back some 200 yrs. I haven't calculated since I don't have all the specifics on his lineage. They could wind up being 7th cousins twice removed or something. I laughed to find out that my ex husband and present hubby are very distantly related, thus my daughters are distant cousins to their stepfather.
This is why God invented genealogy programs, to calculate.