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Where can i search up my middle eastern ancestry?

im Jordanian Middle Easten Muslim and want to search up my ancestry. i was told i have Saudi Arabian and Yemeni roots and might have African. My family name is Tubaishat/Al-Tal. ive asked my parents but they only know up to 4 generations. where can i search up about this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most Jordanians can only track male lineage. Find the paperwork on your immigrant ancestor and you'll find his name is followed by 6-8 other male names. Those are the names of his father, father's father, father's father's father, etc. Here's a very good explanation of it in greater detail:

You should also be able to find some basic records. I would suggest you start with the links on this site from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. The city of Dearborn has 2 points of notariety. It's the home of the Ford Motor Company, but it's also the largest Arab community in America. This campus of U-M has more Arabic resources in one place than I've been able to find anywhere else: