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Possible asian features?

I was curious about some features that I have. My great-grandfather came from Western Ukraine and he had dark skin and black hair. My grandfather on the same side had dark skin and jet black hair. My father has olive skin and dark hair. My last name is Polish in origin.

I am pale white with dirty blonde hair, but I seem to have some Asian traits. I am pretty sure I have shovel teeth to some extent. The backs of my top teeth are like ) / that. They have a little ridge at the gumline too, where it clicks if you put your nail over it. I also have a pretty prominent bump on the back of my head, sometimes called the anatolian bump. I'm not sure if that is what this is.

My pinkies are also bent inward, and I have a unibrow which is seen in central asian-type people. Do you think my great-grandfather could have been related to the Turks or Mongols? My dad said he didn't look Polish at all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd concentrate on classic genealogy research to learn what you come up with.

And yes, the mongol horde made their presence known in Poland.