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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know the origin of the Wyzisk family name ???


Does anyone know the origin of the Wyzisk family name ???

My mother was born in Germany, but the last name sounds either from Poland or Zcheck.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I realize isn't distinguishing between the different German states, but I think they're confusing West Prussia and Silesia with the rest of Germany. I can't find records in Germany proper, but I find many going back to the town of Wischnitz, Silesia.

Wisch, Wiesz and Wyz are all pronounced very similarly. I wouldn't be surprised to find any number of explanations, but the coincidence of the town name and a similar spelling for the surnames of people in that town make it clear that it may have been a locational surname when acquired. Just keep good track of everything that you find and place it safekeeping until you have all the facts about the family that you can possibly acquire.