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Did the Scots and Irish get their red and blond hair from invading Vikings?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Scots and Irish have the largest numbers per capita of redheads of any population. However, the numbers of other Celtic nations is equally large compared to the general European and Middle Eastern populations (the Phoeniceans were known as having a large population of redheads and there is a theory that some of the redheaded population in the Islands happened as a result of trade over tin). The Norse were pretty much known as blondes-there were dark haired Norse, but the general perception of the time was that the Norse were blonde. The Norse come from the Asian Steppes and genetic markers link them to that region and many tribes of that area (most Germanic peoples come from that area). The Celts on the other hand appeared prior to the last Ice Age and migrated ahead of the glaciers and settled in pockets of warm regions. As the ice receeded they returned to Europe. This has been confirmed via grave examination. Modern and anchient Celts have a particular charateristic-the Celtic foot, the toe next the the big toe is the same size or larger than the big toe. It is this method that is used to track Celtic migrations. Further information on this can be had via the Family Tree a publication of the Geneological Library at Moultrie, GA. So the Norse did contribute the blonde hair to the populations of Ireland and Scotland, but not the red hair. In fact, it is a tradition that during "First Footing," a tradition held during Hogmaney (New Years), that the darkest haired male (preferable a stranger) be the first to enter the house, he bears three gifts for the house as a form of blessing for the coming year. At any rate the hair is dark as the Norse were seen to be light haired and a dark haired male was not seen as threatening.