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1860 Adoption - How were they handled?

My GG Grandfather abt 1860-1 was raised by a farming foster family until he ran away when he was 16. In 1860, how was adoption handled? through a church? Did people bid on babies (like indentured servants?). <p>

This is the most fusterating obsticle in my tree for years-finding his parents. I'm eventually going to break down and hire someone to solve this problem. I'm fed up.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know that there were specific legal guidelines for adoptions..they could have been informal. One in my research was a baby born in 1869, Dad released him to be adopted by another family (after mom died) and it was a consent, recorded in a book of land records. I have seen other guardianships recorded prior to this.
My suggestion is that you repost or edit this.. with a name and place, when or where married, etc.. someone here may have the opening you need. Include as much as possible, so someone coming in "behind" me can take a shot. Also.. does your profile allow email? sometimes people find info after question is closed, but have no way to get it to the person.