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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone related to a William Humphreys? daughter named Martha E. born 1825 who ma


Anyone related to a William Humphreys? daughter named Martha E. born 1825 who married Littleton R. Brewer?

Martha E. Humphreys married Littleton R. Brewer in 1839 and they lived in Georgia. I am looking for her father William or any of her siblings for my family tree. thanx!

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1 month ago
I have tried using and there isn't any information on there. I can only find on reference of her father and it was in a wedding announcement in the charleston observer. I need a new avenue of research. a back door perhaps.

1 month ago
Thanx for all the help. ok- here is one of the problems- she was born about 1825 and died in her 32nd year. which puts her death about 1857. I found her in the 1850 census along with Littleton and children, but I haven't been able to find her at any other time in life. The census' are done every 10 years. I can't seem to locate at time where she resided with her parents to get their names or her place of birth. I welcome any more ideas! thanx again for all the help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 month ago
I have tried using and there isn't any information on there. I can only find on reference of her father and it was in a wedding announcement in the charleston observer. I need a new avenue of research. a back door perhaps.