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Position:Home>Genealogy> People leaving in South Italy are Greeks or Italians?


People leaving in South Italy are Greeks or Italians?

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1 month ago
Ups,sorry of course i mean "living" not "leaving". For my question:i found in the internet pages that call this people as :"Greekitalians". In movies i saw that this people don't feel that they are the "same" with the Norths and in football i remember that they supported Argentina against Italy(!).An Italian friend told me that before television people from North and people from South had language problems and a Greek friend that found people in South vilages talking greek language.
North Italians don't look like South Italians(they are darker) and South Italians are antropological maybe closer to Greeks from Cyprus or Creete.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 month ago
Ups,sorry of course i mean "living" not "leaving". For my question:i found in the internet pages that call this people as :"Greekitalians". In movies i saw that this people don't feel that they are the "same" with the Norths and in football i remember that they supported Argentina against Italy(!).An Italian friend told me that before television people from North and people from South had language problems and a Greek friend that found people in South vilages talking greek language.
North Italians don't look like South Italians(they are darker) and South Italians are antropological maybe closer to Greeks from Cyprus or Creete.