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Position:Home>Genealogy> My adopted parents were Kathleen and Arthur Stow. Who were my real parents?


My adopted parents were Kathleen and Arthur Stow. Who were my real parents?

Born 18th March 1947 at Hackney London UK

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If your adopted family have no info go to to Genes Reunited, start your family tree by simply listing your birth name or adopted name and place of birth if you know it. People who list the same names become hot matches and the site sends e mails through the site so you dont have to contact directly. There is also a message system and if you become a full member (for a very small fee) you can check birth records etc. Its worth looking at the site and you can do so much without having to become a full member, you may even find someone who is looking for you. Good luck.
Also my step brother made contact with his real dad through the Salvation Army, it may be worth enquiring there.