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First generation vs Second generation?

What's a first generation, second generation person?

If X was born in the US but his/her parents were born and raised in Sweden, is X a first or second generation individual? And is X the son/daughter of a first or second generation individual?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The expression First Generation refers to the children born to immigrants. Person X would be the first generation in the USA. The parents are immigrants so they would not be a generation born in the new country. They would be whatever number generation Swedish.
If X had children in the USA, they would be the second generation, their kids the third, etc.
Should X move to Mexico and have children there, the children would be first generation Mexicans. They will still be of Swedish ancestry, but they will be first generation citizens of the country they are born in.
In genealogy the term is used to designate the descendents of a specific couple. In that case A&B would be first generation, their children would be the second generation and their grandchildren would be the third, and so on.