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What is a last name from England?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I goggled "most common surnames in England," and Wikipedia came up with the following ten most common English last names:
1) Smith (1.15%)
2) Jones (0.94%)
3) Williams (0.66%)
4) Taylor (0.53%)
5) Brown (0.51%)
6) Davies (0.48%)
7) Evans (0.39%)
8) Wilson (0.35%)
9) Thomas (0.35%)
10) Johnson (0.34%)

Of course, Smith (my last name) appears first on the Scottish list as well--1) Smith, 2) Brown, 3) Wilson, 4) Campbell, 5) Stewart, 6) Thomson, 7) Robertson, 8) Anderson, 9) McDonald, 10) Scott--not to mention the American list: 1) Smith, 2) Johnson, 3) Williams, 4) Jones, 5) Brown, 6) Davis, 7) Miller, 8) Wilson, 9) Moore, 10) Taylor. Incidentally, my mother married a Smith, her sister married a Jones, and my brother married a Williams! I also have a maternal great grandmother whose maiden name was Johnson and a paternal great grandmother whose maiden name was McDonald.