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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for possible deceased person, Debbie R. Nyberg. born in Sioux City, Iowa


Looking for possible deceased person, Debbie R. Nyberg. born in Sioux City, Iowa in the mid 1950s.?

A friend of mine is looking for her mother. She was told her mother died, yet we can not find any evidence of her death or that she is still living. We have also checked the Social Security Index for a match or close match. Her maiden name is/was Debbie Rae Nyberg.
(We have even tried various spellings like Debra, Deborah, etc)
Debbie was born in Sioux City, Iowa in the mid 1950s.
May have been a nurse and may also have a sister named Kathy. We also think she may have lived or even may be burried in either North or South Dakota.
She may have used the last name of Sawyer.
Any help, especially in the Dakota States would be apprieciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please go to( find a grave ) They have tons and tons of listings there.You don't have to join just to try to find someone.Only if you'd like to leave a note and flower.I hope that this helps.