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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm a little bit Irish and I'm trying to figure out what my plaid is. All I know


I'm a little bit Irish and I'm trying to figure out what my plaid is. All I know is the family name is Post.

Anyone know anything about it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you say "plaid", I think of tartans, and normally that suggests Scotch, not Irish.
But? Here is a site that suggests otherwise-
It MAY also be that tartans are much like the frequent misunderstands here, related to family crests and coats of arms. These do have legitimate reasons in the UK, which don't apply in the same way as we in the US assume. We tend to think of property (which a family crest is) as equally belonging to all descendents... instead of granted to one person, and ONLY his heir is entitled to its use. Thus... buyer beware.
Some of the same ideas are brought up here, especially for those just getting interested in family history. It would be cool to determine exactly how much Irish you are, if your Post ancestor "really" came from Ireland (not always true), not to mention learning about the other ancestors that you are equally descended from. One place to find a beginning research guide is, along with thousands of other genealogy / family history resources.
As for the Post name directly, you might stop over at, where there are surname specific areas to network in (others working the same name).