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Looking for relatives in Holland, last name Posthumus??

Grandfather's name was Piet, grandmother was Trijntje Posthumus, nee Spoelstra - my father was son, named Cornelis, immigrated to Canada 1956

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is the master site for genealogy research in the Netherlands. They're still working to bring up the records from the Amsterdam archives, but the rest of the city and regional archives are in here, including records from as late as 1952. It's a magnificent site!

Here's a list of all of the records from the various archives that are already in place:

I am guessing that your father told you the name of the town and province where his family lived. If you can share that, I would be happy to help you find other records on them. The national archives doesn't keep the same kind of records as the regional archives. So that's the best route to search...through the most local source. If you do have the name of the town, you can get the family registration cards, which are like our censuses, except that the cards are an ongoing registration of the family and just full of the beautiful information that genealogists crave.