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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am trying to look up a person, name is mike smith who is also on yahoo. com to


I am trying to look up a person, name is mike smith who is also on yahoo. com to find out more about him.?

he is from England , actually from vietname, and was born in1969-he's 37. He has been to Ohio in the U.S. and has friends in Fostria. I want to know more info on him. thank you. oh his name on the computer is

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1 month ago
I have asked him some things but anyone can tell you anything they want on here, and I did google him and there are 3,000 MikesSmith's. any other suggestions??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 month ago
I have asked him some things but anyone can tell you anything they want on here, and I did google him and there are 3,000 MikesSmith's. any other suggestions??